Education Opportunities
At Drayton Presbyterian we believe that Christian discipleship is a life-long journey of faith for all ages. We do not make that journey alone, but in the company of other “travelers” who are likewise seeking to grow in grace and gratitude as disciples of Jesus Christ. Questions are always welcome! We may not have all the answers, but we will struggle together to discern what it means to be God’s faithful people in our context today
Kids Rock Children's Ministry
Ages: Pre-K through 8th Grade Meeting time: Sundays 10:15 - 10:50 am Location: Cana Lutheran (shared location with Drayton Presbyterian)
Kids Rock teachers create an exciting space for children to grow in their relationship with God. Age appropriate Bible stories and activities engage and encourage participation in this "Sunday School" style program. Teachers strive to provide a sound Biblical foundation so that children can learn how to worship God, to understand God’s loving word, to open themselves to receiving God’s love, and to apply this love in their daily lives.
S.T.A.G.E. Youth Ministry
We have a position open: click here
Come meet the STAGE youth, advisors & STAGE Youth Council members and learn about the exciting year we have planned.
Any questions: contact Melanie Barash at 586-944-6450 or
Ages: Mid High and Senior High Youth
STAGE (Somewhere To Ask God Everything) is a collaborative youth ministry that builds lifelong relationships. STAGE youth engage and impact local communities as they examine and discuss the teachings of Christ.
This program is a partnership among Drayton Presbyterian, Cana Lutheran and Greenfield Presbyterian churches. You do not need to be a member of any of these congregations – or of any congregation – to participate.
Regular Sunday meetings take place at Cana Lutheran, starting with an optional dinner together at 6:00 pm followed by a time of fellowship, fun and discussion. In lieu of this regular Sunday evening meeting, at least once each month on either a Saturday or a Sunday, STAGE youth participate in a fun activity or a volunteer opportunity somewhere in the community.
S.T.A.G.E. Links: Web: Facebook: Instagram:

Whirl Worship (temporarily suspended)
Whirl Worship is a program designed for young families and children seeking a new approach to spirituality and faith. This program is a partnership among Drayton Presbyterian, Cana Lutheran and Greenfield Presbyterian churches. You do not need to be a member of any of these congregations – or of any congregation – to participate.
Family Program
Whirl Worship is designed for children and families of all shapes and sizes. We really mean this! Age-appropriate programming is geared towards children ages 3 years old through 5th grade. Nursery care is provided for younger children. Programming is also provided for adults who are looking for a time and place to strengthen their Christian faith alongside their young children. Whirl Worship is also open to adults of any age (with or without children/grandchildren) who are looking for a weekday evening educational experience in a welcoming, family-friendly setting.
A Progressive Attitude
Whirl Worship has been for families that are looking for an alternative to some of the fundamentalist, narrow-minded approaches that dominate the religious climate in our culture today. At Whirl Worship, you will find a community of genuine welcome.
The Whirl Worship Approach
One of the realities of our busy culture is that life is often fragmented. Parents drop their children off for sports, dance, and other activities and then hurry to work, a meeting, or some other obligation. Whirl Worship offers a unique approach. We spend time together, adults and children, for family worship and dinner, but also separate for age-appropriate discussion times. Another reality of our culture is that activities are expensive for young families. So here is a unique, family experience that is FREE. There is absolutely no registration fee and no charge for dinner.
Join in on Wednesday evenings for a family program including dinner, music and faith conversations with a progressive attitude.
5:45 p.m. Gathering & Dinner 6:15 p.m. Faith Conversations & Music 7:15 p.m. Devotions & Communion 7:30 p.m. Goodbyes
Convenient Berkley Locations September through December Whirl Worship meets at Greenfield Presbyterian January through April Whirl Worship meets at Cana Lutheran
Tel: 248-544-1800
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a ministry outreach that Drayton Presbyterian provides in partnership with Cana Lutheran to educate children about God. VBS is a summer program (usually in July) for kids 3 years old through entering 6th grade. The program typically runs for 5 weekdays in the summer from 9 am to noon and closes with a family picnic. Church membership is not required to participate.
Dates will be posted on the Calendar as the summer approaches. For more information, please call the Drayton Presbyterian office at 248-546-8360.